The changes in the Google Algorithms help in giving relevant and specific results of the query. Google’s updates removed duplicate content, spammy sites and much more, making it a place worth trust. This is why it is the best search engine across the world.
Google Top Heavy Update (2012)
Google Top Heavy Update was the first official update. It was rolled out to prevent websites that are loaded with unnecessary many advertisements on a single page.
Google Exact Match Domain Update (September 2012)
There was a time when it was very simple to rule any particular keyword. This was done by simply registering a domain name that consists of the keyword. Google Exact Match Domain update filtered out all the domains that have poor content.
Google Pirate Update (August 2012)
Google was always strict about plagiarism. In 2012, Google launched a Pirate update to analyze and filter out the sites that have many copyright infringement reports. Because of this update today you can get fresh and unique resources on every single site.
Google Payday Update (June 2013)
Payday update is specially rolled out to clean up the search results from spammy queries like payday loan, pornographic and various other heavily spammed queries.
Google Hummingbird Update (September 2013)
Google Hummingbird is one of the most important updates from Google till date. It is an algorithm that ensures that every query that user put in Google’s search engine has some meaning. Before this Google displayed results just by matching the keywords.
Google Pigeon Update (July 2014)
Pigeon update was rolled out specifically for Google’s U.S. English SERPs. It was launched to provide relevant, useful and accurate local search results. With these updates, users are able to find the local listing easily.
Google Penguin Update (April 2012)
Google Penguin update was kind of a nightmare for webmasters who were using black hat SEO or other spammy techniques to rank their websites. Google Penguin update penalizes all the websites that buy links, works with link networks, etc.
Google Panda Update (February 2011)
Google Panda is one of the biggest and most famous updates from the giant search engine. This update targeted sites that have low-quality content. Before the Panda updates, people used to rank their sites without providing enough information.
Google Mobile-Friendly Update (April 2015)
When smartphones are started dominating the feature phones in the market, Google launched its Mobile-Friendly update. As the name suggests it is an update that helps the website rank well in the SERP that are purely optimized for smartphones.
These are some of the major updates from Google. Apart from these, Google also launched a few major algorithms namely Rankbrain that paved a new way for marketers and users of Google. For more such updates, stay in touch.