Google edits Meta Description Over 70% of the point

Google rewrites metadata explanations for sites in over 70 percent of cases, following the recent analysis of 30,000 key sentence search results. Portent evaluated the cell and computer search results for Google to update meta description for 71 percent on the cell and 68 percent on the screen. Depending on the details, it’s inexpensive to subtract that Google can use the individual meta tags of the website page around 30 % of the time.

Meta Description Rewrite Rate by Search Volume

The studies of the impact between the rewritten frequency and the query amount found changes. Notably, the larger the searching rate, the less likely Google is to update the metadata definition. Pendant contends this is because SEOs prefer composing search terms for phrases with some of the most queries each month.

The meta definition can be updated periodically based on the site’s rating—definition of the meta reform: the rate by each search traffic. There was even a desire to analyze the connection between both the rewritten rate and the quest amount. In fact, the higher the query amount, the less and less likely it is that Google will update the meta definition. That’s because SEO prefers meta-descriptions of phrases with the largest number of questions per month.

Meta Description Rewrite Rate by Search Position

The data collected usually focuses on the first page of the findings of both the natural quest and the included samples. Google is working to enhance the importance of meta reports from places 4 to 6, causing an increase in their frequency and the need for more frequent updates to meta-explanations in these sites.

Meta Description Display Length

A further aspect that can differ whenever it applies to meta definitions is how many characters Google decides to view. The peak participation numbers were noticed on the desktop to occur at 156, decreasing steadily after 165. This number would decrease by approximately 156 letters if another date were included in the fragment. Google is likely to exhibit around 160 and 167 words when rewriting the meta summary. With dates, the size is between 147 and 149 characters.

On the cell, viewable fragment letters with really no release date plateau at 118 and fall off within 121. Meta definition: The size of the snippet cell with the date of sale should be between 95 and 105 words. Google will show 114 to 121 characters while rewriting the meta definition on the page. For dates, the difference is between 99 and 105 letters.

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